Monday, December 13, 2010

Response to Laurel's Post

I am writing this blog post in response to Laurel Miller’s latest blog post.  Laurel’s post was about abortion and the topics associated with it.  I agree her deposition of the separate arguments for and against abortion.  She states that some of the reasons for abortion include the right of women to do what they want with their own bodies.  I agree, women should be able to do what they want and, after all, who is the government to say that a person cannot choose the rights for their bodies.  The argument against abortion, however, states that because women can choose to have sexual intercourse and potentially become pregnant, she must know the consequences of her actions and must keep the baby.  I can also agree with this statement.
            Laurel presents an accurate reason for her stance.  It seems as if she thinks that, because of abortion, there are many people who could be in the world today that could help out so much.  For instance, what if there has been a baby who was aborted that could find the cure for cancer or solve world hunger?  I think this is a great reason for being anti abortion.
            Laurel then changes her opinion when she finds another article because she sees that people should be able to choose their own rights for their bodies.  I agree with her idea that women can choose their plan for their bodies, but disagree with the idea as it applies to abortion.  Even though a woman has a right to do what she wants with her body, she still must follow the law.  No matter what an abortionist says, a baby in the womb is alive.  It has a heartbeat and has thoughts and feelings.  Even though it is not born it can still feel.  To get rid of an unborn baby through the process of abortion is murder and should not be allowed by any government.

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