Monday, December 13, 2010

Demonstration Evaluation

For the demonstration evaluation blog assignment I had a good time searching through different speeches to evaluate.  Many of the speeches I found were very humorous and I couldn’t take seriously.  There was a speech on self-defense that just made me laugh the entire time I watched it.  Its probably good that I decided against evaluating that demonstration for this blog assignment because I would have run out of things to say, seeing as I would only be critiquing the video.  Instead, I found this video on Youtube.  It was not the last video I watched, but it was probably the best to critique.
            In the video, the presenter is in his room or a room in his house/apartment where he is recording the video for a class of some sort.  His topic is “how to clean your shoes.”  It was a good idea, but the demonstrator needed to specify that his demonstration applies only to cleaning the bottom of shoes.  In the video he did an excellent job demonstrating, but had a few minor details that could have cleaned up the speech.
            The person demonstrating the speech did a good job of introducing his topic with an abstract idea, rather than just jumping into the topic.  He also talked about each of the tools he would use, which helped out in the understanding of the topic.  After the intro, he talked through the steps involved in his topic and did so in chronological order.  This helped the flow if information.  He then proceeded to follow through on the steps and demonstrate his topic.  His conclusion was ok, but it was rather brief for the somewhat complex process that he described.  In fact, he did not even review the steps of his topic in the conclusion.  He had good tone and pitch overall, but he was slightly monotone and dry.
Overall, his speech was done well, but could have been shaped better with going through his steps again and allowing more time to let the steps sink in. 

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