Monday, November 22, 2010

Stem Cell Research

Since the field of science had been invented, its application into the field of medicine has always been prevalent.  However, in recent years, as scientific research has progressed, controversy has grown over issues that deal with life, death, and every state of life in between.  One such topic that has caused controversy is in the area of genetics and stem cell research.  Stem cells, a biological material that has only gained understanding in the recent past, have been found to aid in recovery for re-growth of cells and the ability for cells to be used as cures for diseases and conditions in the bones, organs, and other bodily matters.
Through religious disputes and arguments over the general ethics of researching with stem cells, a call for and end to stem cell research has been made. This article explains certain details pertaining to the religions aspect against stem cell research.  For example, some of the experiments currently in place deal with embryonic stem cells.  This means that fertilized eggs from a woman’s womb are used for their stem cells and for research that will use the life to potentially help save lives.  Judeo-Christian religions agree that this is to be considered murder because life exists at the very moment of conception/fertilization.  Though science my not present the same belief, this is the reason that some religions look deeply down upon such research.  However, adult stem cell research
On the opposite end of the spectrum, this article explains the scientific stance that politicians and doctors take.  While the controversy of the morality of this issue stands, the benefit it could give people is insurmountable in comparison.  Though both sides of the issue will fight their respective fights, the issue will be a topic for hot discussion and debate for years to come.
I know about this topic because I am a Roman Catholic and have gone to school in private Catholic schools all my life.  This issue has been presented to me many times and in many formats.  In my opinion, I think that stem cell research is ok as long as it is not embryonic and will not sacrifice any life in the hopes that others might be saved.

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